Jen Rowland’s tattoo is a Sailor Jerry by Bryan13 at Mystic Marks Tattoo, San Marcos, TX
When I asked Jen if she would like to provide her perspective in her own words for this gallery of her photos, she was happy to contribute, explaining her understanding of being “body-proud.”
Jen Rowland writes:
Maybe you’ve heard the term “house-proud.” I got a tattoo because I wanted to be body-proud. I’ve always used house-proud for people who really live their homes, where when you walk in you know exactly whose house it is because it is so them; a physical reflection of their inner realities and identity. House-pride is self-knowledge and self-respect, rather than a house bare of decoration and personalization. Getting a tattoo made me body-proud. People talk about how sexual violence severs your identity with regard to your body, but no one ever tells you how to get it back. I needed to reclaim my body as mine, as me. Getting a tattoo was part of re-forging my relationship with my body.
I picked a Sailor Jerry design because Sailor Jerry is synonymous with “tattoo.” It’s like getting a tattoo that just says “tattoo.” Those lines are so perfect, and Bryan13 has such a sure hand and deep respect for the lines. On a pack of Sailor Jerry-designed playing cards, there’s a little border decoration. We took that and blew it up. So, Maureen’s photos are macros of a macro. That’s just cool.