Rachel Sholly, A.K.A. RedDawn PVD
Rachel’s tattoo was done by Mike Lussier at Art Freek Tattoo, Providence, RI.
Rachel’s tatmacs have been printed on a large scale, check out a trial installation:
Believe it or not, this mirror pair of shots is one part of the wing of a colorful quetzal. Lots of times, I experiment with shots, changing them to black and white, just to see. A couple of years ago, when I visited Cologne, Germany, I went to the museum of Modern Art there. A Gerhard Richter show was up. There were paintings in his usual blurry style but also these mirrors he had made. The mirrors “Richterized” anyone looking into them. It was fabulous. (I waited forever for there to be a break in the crowd for this shot. The Richterized “Selfie Among the Crowd” shots were pretty good, too.)
I had wanted to do something with mirrors, but it wasn’t until I saw Rachel’s shots that I got any concrete ideas. The other tattoo we shot is a gloriously feminine set of flowers. There is some considerable mojo happening with that tattoo. As it should be.